You know your body is in ketosis when…

You need to pee often, lots of water from veg, beans, fruits and porridge  is the culprit for Skippity pee to the toilet !

You switch from hard stools to runny stools and to ordinary bowel habits once it settles….

So I find the bubbling sensation quite annoying but keep on top of the prebiotics and take them often.

If it’s a beach down their use a whole meal egg wrap in the morning with home made humus it’s a great whip!

Headaches often start and tiredness from Waterloo loss so please use electrolytes whilst on keto.

Do not attempt intermittent fasting unless you can because it will do more harm than good and remember unless you’re weightlifting or doing a 26 mile run you don’t need to load up on carbs which turn into sugar which is a cause for diabetes… all breads even homemade breads need sugar to feed the yeast, but at home you have more control over the fats you use and want to add and the sugar you use.  Instead try my Hot salad recipe …. turned into a Spanish omelette….

Hot salad…

Boil the types of veg you want

You can add as much or as little as you wish… THE MORE the better…

Add multiple types of beans, pearl barley, over night in the slow cooker…

Boil different lentils…

Mash the veg, add joloff seasoning

Add the beans and mix

Add extra protein like boiled eggs and cooked shredded chicken or beef…

Add parmesan garlic seasoning and salt and give it a good mix…

This salad can be eaten next to anything its brilliant in wraps…

Or if cold from the fridge it’s great to add to scrabbled eggs and into a wrap with humus or just into a Spanish omelette

Usually after the egg I’d have some yogurt and fruit, my go to drink is just egberts black coffee with no sugar at the moment 🙃  I find this easiest to drink because unlike its rival I found Nescafe far too bitter for my liking…

Sometimes it’s not you can’t drink it without sugar it’s the bitterness so try egberts they’re awesome and don’t support itsnoreel…

Anyways let’s move on to lunches…

Usually I’d grab fruit and yogurt because it gives me the sweets and creaminess I love…

Then I’ll usually go for quick fast meals like veg, chicken and gravy…

For dinner I usually have dry curry with mashed cauliflower or I’d use dry curry and add parsnip or mashed cauliflower and cheese it’s to die for…

You will get used to going carb free eventually and just have it as a treat occasionally…

The secret to keto is to try nice new seasonings and spices I usually use the Caribbean stores because their spices are different to Arab and Asian spices so it gives me more  bricks to lay..  also the store I go to is a very knowledgeable man who explained to me what soy sauces are bad I’ll ask him again and we can then talk about it after I do much more Research on what he said and why it’s bad because according to the world the oriental diet is among the healthiest diets

Which is why when it comes to carb treats I choose brown rice and brown vermicelli I have even tried lentil pasta which was very nice. I’m trying to find brown rice pasta to see how good it tastes if it exists Which it must because if you can make white rice flour then you can make brown rice flour…  I  am attempting this as my new healthy Roti treat routine.

Good luck on your  journey

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